Democracy – is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislation. Who people are and how authority is shared among them are core issues for democratic theory, development, and constitution. Cornerstones include freedom of assembly and speech, inclusiveness, and equality

Our Democracy is broken, but it is repairable. Democracy doesn’t begin nor end with one person. We are a multiracial and multicultural nation trying to coexist together. For some people this may seems like an impossible task. Our failure to understand that the human race is the only race, makes it more difficult to achieve the kind Democracy which would allow us to respect, understand, accept, and celebrate our differences.

People with too much money and power have tried to create a democracy fit for some, but not for all. The power of government, thus our democracy lies with us, We The People. I still believe when enough ordinary people come together, we can do extraordinary things, even change the direction of government.

During election season, the corrupt rich and powerful are willing to spend billions to prevent change. Admittedly, they’ve been quite successful in the past. The play book was simple, create a falsehood, have Fox News consistently repeat it, then the rest of the news industry will carry it out as well. Two years ago, the news industry came together (except Fox News), and agreed not to allow their judgment to be manipulated without a thorough investigation of the subject matter. Fox News on the other hand, was and is open to receiving as much money as they possibly can irregardless of whether the story is factual, or not; they don’t care if it could literally kill our democracy, it doesn’t seem to bother them one bit.

Disregarding our toxic news system, It’s a new day in America whereby every group is demanding their voice be heard and action be taken on behalf of their concerns. New Orleans, Louisiana may be famous for Jazz and Football but its most famously known for its food, namely Gumbo. Louisianians will tell you, “make a good roux first cher, then you put a little bit of this and a little bit of dat”. I know, it doesn’t makes sense, but it taste so good. America must become like a great tasting Gumbo for our Democracy to survive today and beyond. Like a good roux, we must accept and respect our differences. We are capable of learning from our past, growing from our past, and moving from our past.


It’s probably safe to say that America’s Founding Fathers did not mean to include their Slaves and other indigenous people when they were framing The Laws to Govern and sustain our Democracy. When they wrote, “All men are created equal” I don’t think they had their Slaves in mind. I don’t mean to relitigate our past, but it’s well documented that the Founding Fathers saw their Slaves as less than Humans.

The Framers thought their writings were universally understood by White Americans only, primarily White men only. On the other hand, the Framers had no idea Slaves would have had the audacity to think that “all men created equal” meant them too.

The Power Of Expectation: A belief that something will happen or is likely to happen. Through many trials and tribulations seemingly, we have arrived.

There is an election in front of us that will determine so much about what we are today and where we will be tomorrow. Democracy did not begin with Trump, nor will it end with him. But we cannot deny that there, there is an unspoken truth that a President can delay progress. We see this almost every time we turn on our televisions. “Stand back and stand by”.

This year is different, too much has happened and Trump has reminded too many of us just how ugly our past was. We have to make the choice to move forward.

Even today, Trump is asking us to go back (Make America Great Again) instead of moving forward. Sadly, as long as we have a pandemic killing hundreds and thousands of Americans, Black men getting killed by those who are supposed to protect and serve, and legislation in place that views and treats certain members of the LGBTQ+ community as less than; it’s become all too apparent that our Commander in Chief is more concerned about himself than the American people. This means that the ball is in our hands, and we are faced with the task of pushing our nation forward.

We must knit a blanket of inclusion to not only cover our history’s shame, but to ensure that we lay a new foundation that values all Americans. Laying this new foundation doesn’t have to be a difficult task; in fact it’s as simple as contributing just a little spice to our nation’s gumbo. So on November 3rd add some some spice by voting so we can, cook a Gumbo whereby everyone contributes, to create a Democracy worth saving.

(If you haven’t taken the time to early vote, make certain you vote on November 3, 2020. Our Democracy truly is in your hands.)







  • Make sure to wear a Mask, wash your hands often, and social distancing…stay safe.


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